Stage a Dublino

Facciamo i più sentiti complimenti ai ragazzi che sono stati in stage a Dublino e che hanno ricevuto un ottima valutazione da parte degli alberghi nei quali hanno lavorato.

Keti Aleksovska, Melissa Antoard, Paolo Barberis, Lorenzo Galletto

che hanno lavorato al CLAYTON HOTEL

“Dear Maria,
My name is B*** E***, I am the Deputy general manager of the Clayton Hotel
Cardiff Lane.

I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank you and your
students for everything they have done for us. I can honestly say they are
a credit to your college. During their time with us they were a great
support to the hotel and team. I was amazed on how fast they integrated
into our team and how friendly they where with our guests. They engaged
with the team and guests as if they had been working with us for a long
time. The quality of their work performance was exceptional.

Our general manager Conor O’Kane was speech less on their performance, he
could not recommend them enough, we are sure they have a very bright and
prosperous future in the hospitality industry in the future.

Please pass on our compliments to your students, and if you can please let
us know when they arrive home safe.

Kind Regards”

Davide Rocconi, Grigoli Lorenzo, Berthod Luca, Leo Miani

che hanno lavorato al MALDRON HOTEL

“Hi Marie,
They were really good interns, helpful and self-motivated, many thanks!
I left the evaluation  with students on envelope, signed and stamped.
Kind regards,
G*** Z***”

Federica Cabrini, Nicole Bua’, Barbieri Martina, Maria Estrella

che hanno lavorato al BELVEDERE HOTEL.

“Hi Maria,
How are you?
As always the students were very pleasant and nice girls , wish they stayed
with us longer
Enc evaluation forms


Gli allievi dell’istituto ‘ARTURO PREVER’ di Pinerolo si sono impegnati al massimo per ottenere questi risultati, dimostrando ad altri paesi la grinta dei nostri studenti.

Continuate così e raggiungerete tutti i vostri obbiettivi.


Michela Comba, Federica Napione, Chiara Merlo dello Staff AlterNativo.

Gennaio 11th, 2017 by